The Adopt-a-Bench Program aims to revitalize Point Pelee National Park by replacing existing benches throughout the park and by adding new benches along new trails and popular nature-watching spots. Forge a connection to the park by adopting a bench today! Adopted benches come with an individualized engraved plaque, to help celebrate, honour or remember loved ones.

Two styles of benches are available for adoption, with possible locations for benches pre-identified by Parks Canada staff to ensure minimal environmental impact. Choice of location for your adopted bench is based on availability, on a first come, first served basis.
Backless benches are available for a donation of $3300, and benches with backs are supported by a donation of $4300. Tax deductible receipts are available for a portion of your donation.
Sample Plaque
Actual size: 2” x 10” brass plate

Complete and submit the application to the Friends of Point Pelee
- by mail to 407 Monarch Lane, Leamington ON N8H 3V4
- in person at the Nature Nook Gift Shop located in the Visitor Centre
- by email to
- online by clicking here
The Friends of Point Pelee will contact you to confirm the details of your adopted bench. This includes style, location and plaque inscription. Once plaque inscription has been approved, a deposit of $2000 is required to order the bench.
The installation of your bench may take several months, depending on location and seasonal weather. Updates will be sent along the way to inform you of the pro-gress. Once the bench has been installed, the remaining donation amount will be due. A tax receipt will be issued for the applicable amount.
After installation, your bench is in the Park for all to enjoy. Come back to visit and cherish your new connection with Point Pelee National Park.